News about the Coast Starlight

RailPAC Directors Bruce Jenkins and Matt Melzer rode Amtrak train 14, the Coast Starlight returning from the RailPAC/NARP meeting in Los Angeles. Here is their report on the future of that train.

Bruce writes, “Matt Melzer and I were in the Parlour Car of #14 on Sunday enjoying coffee and muffins when an Amtrak Liaison officer introduced herself. After a brief chat she told us that (now Amtrak VP) Brian Rosenwald had ridden the Starlight a few weeks ago and got “real angry about the condition and status of the Parlour Car; after all this was his “baby.” He vowed they would “restore” the Car and it’s amenities back to it’s original self by August including the Dining Car with onboard prepared meals and china.”

Matt adds, “The ‘Empire Builder style’ upgrade that the Starlight will receive is tentatively slated for August 1,” she said, “but that depends on the progress of UP trackwork to lift the slow orders (which President Kummant mentioned during his speech to the RailPAC/NARP meeting). I presume it also depends on availability of reconditioned Superliners. But when it does happen, not only will the previous amenities be restored, so will the full-service staffing levels, including the dedicated Parlour Car LSA.”